Advantages and Disadvantages of Materials Available for Attic Insulation in Culver City

Advantages and Disadvantages of Materials Available for Attic Insulation in Culver City

When it comes to attic insulation in Culver City, you have a wide range of options in regards to the materials available. However, you need to look at the pros and cons of every material available before going for attic insulation. Let’s have a look at the best options available:


Loose-fill fiberglass


This option is a popular with new home constructions and comes with R-Value of 2.5 per inch. Specific device is required to blow the insulation to the area. However, if exposed to skin, it can cause itching effect. Also, it can irritate the lungs if inhaled. A healthy and safer alternative to this type of insulation is mineral wool that works similarly but causes less impact to the skin. It has been noticed that loose-fill fiberglass insulation tends to lose its value if the temperature drops below 20 degrees. Although this was the case a few decades ago, the latest products seem more effective in managing the scenarios. 


Fiberglass batts


This type of attic insulation is the easiest and can be used not only for attics but also for any other places in the home. But that said, these batts are said to have the worst insulation properties. But said that, they are the best option available for DIY projects. You simply grab a bundle and then roll it out with little effort. 


Spray foam


Spray foam is probably the best for attic insulation. It is available in closed cell and open cell variants. The R-Values for each of these are R-6.5 and R-3.6 per inches. If installed properly, they are capable of filling every cranny and nook in the space available and offer the best air barrier. Once air stops moving through, heat transfer will be reduced to zero through the process of convection. When using closed-cell foam, around 2” of foam thickness acts a certain barrier against moisture formation. The biggest drawback is their expensive price. Also, they need professional help for installation. A spray foam gun is needed. But said that, experts of the jobs need to be assigned the responsibility. 




Cellulose insulation is totally eco-friendly. Cellulose is made of ground up paper with boric acid to create insect controlling properties. It is also highly resistant to fire. Cellulose promises better insulation of attic compared to those batts. If there is a need to urgently do the insulation, you can purchase cellulose bags and get it done without expert help. An insulation blower is needed as well. The only disadvantage of this type is its dust generation. Yes, it creates extreme amount of dust while in process. However, if wet spray cellulose is used, they produce less dust.